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Interface Summary | |
ChangeableListModel | Extended ListModel which allows generic insertion and deletion of elements. |
ChatSymbolRendererConstants | Tiny implementation of all constants needed for renderers of chat symbols. |
DefaultLocaleChangeReceiver | General interface for desktop components. |
PropertiesEditorXML.ExternalCombo | |
ScrollerPane.ScrollRule | |
TableRowHeightListener | Listener interface for table row height events. |
TableRowHeightProvider | Interface for classes providing information about the required row height of a table This interface is needed by classes being responsible for table rendering in some way and which have the need for dynamically changed row heights. |
Class Summary | |
BasicMultiColorLabelUI | UI delegate for multi color label |
BasicSimpleIndicatorUI | UI delegate for simple indicator. |
BasicTitleLabelUI | UI delegate for title label. |
CalendarPanel | A panel which shows a date in a standard calendar type The panel shows the month of the current date. |
ChatSymbolCellEditor | Editor for table cells which uses a JComboBox to select a ChatSymbolHolder entry The editor works in the same modes as the ChatSymbolTableCellRenderer |
ChatSymbolListCellRenderer | Renderer for lists representing chat symbols. |
ChatSymbolTableCellRenderer | Renderer for table cells which uses a ChatSymbolHolder to represent the given value appropriately The renderer works in one of three modes. |
ConsoleLabeller | Label-like class with asynchronously callable text set and clear methods. |
DesktopFrameSelector | General keyboard-based sector for internal frames of a desktop pane. |
DesktopFrameSelector.FrameAction | Action for the menu items of the popup menu. |
DummyTableCellEditor | A cell editor which does exactly nothing and needs no space. |
DynamicMenuBar | Dynamic menu bar definition for "living" menu bars. |
FileSelectionField | Text field for filename selection with button for dialog and means for attaching a filename filter |
FileSelectionField.MyFileFilter | File filter looking for file extensions or directories only. |
FormattableTableCellRenderer | Formattable renderer component for trees and tables. |
GBC | Convenience class with astatic method to create GridBagConstraints and several predefined GridBagConstraints objects. |
HotkeyMaker | Static helper class for assigning hotkeys to certain entities. |
HTMLViewerFrame | A frame capable of showing HTML files. |
HTMLViewerFrame.AL | Invocation action listener. |
ImageEditModel | Image editing model for some basic operations: Cropping, scaling, changing format and compression level ImageEditModel allows some basic operation on a given image file: Cropping to take only a part of the image, scaling to make the image smaller (or larger...), and changing storage type (PNG versus JPG) and JPG compression level, if applicable. |
ImageMixer | Helper class to create images and icons consisting of other images and icons. |
JAdditionalColorsLabel | Label with background shaded in a certain color depending on the normal background color and an additional color. |
JLabeller | Label-like class with asynchronously callable text set and clear methods. |
JListMouser | The somehow incorrect test of making a MouseAdapter which emulates CTRL pressing. |
JMultiColorLabel | Label where characters can have their unique colors each one. |
JMultiColorLabel.ColorRange | |
JTitleLabel | Title label with larger font and different colors. |
KeyStrokeReader | Reads key strokes direcly from the keyboard. |
LED | Multi-color LED-like widget which knows about blinking and autorepainting. |
LEDField | Martix of LEDs to show some content |
ListKeyInputHandler | Keystroke handler for lists to select entries by typing the beginnings of the entries. |
ListKeyInputHandler.BasicKIHCellRendererUI | UI delegate with implementation. |
ListKeyInputHandler.KIHCellRenderer | The cell renderer object for the ListKeyInputHandler. |
ListKeyInputHandler.KIHCellRendererUI | Generic UI delegate class. |
LocaleComboBoxModel | Special model to allow selection of a locale All installed locales are shown for selection. |
LocaleFlag | Management class for locale flags. |
LocaleFlag.BrightenFilter | |
LocaleListCellRenderer | Renderer for lists with locale objects Prints the locale's name and country in each locale's language. |
LocaleSelector | Locale selection widget Shows available locales as buttons with name and flag (if available). |
LocaleSelector.LSButtonPanel | |
LocaleSelector.LSComboBox | |
LogFrame | Panel for logging output. |
LogPanel | Panel for logging output. |
MapListModelHelper | Common helper class for Table and TreeTable models of List of Maps. |
MapListTableCellManager | Managing class for cell renderers and editors in tables which are driven by a MapListTableModel. |
MapListTableModel | Model object for JTable to represent List of Maps. |
MapListTableSorter | Knows how to sort tables with MapListTableModel behind using a sorting constraint. |
MultiColorLabelUI | Abstract UI delegate template for multi color label |
MultiLineTableRenderer | Special table cell renderer capable of presenting the content wrapped in multiple lines. |
MultiLineTreeRenderer | Special tree cell renderer capable of presenting the content wrapped in multiple lines. |
MyMetalTheme | Metal theme with color scheme support and support for some additional GUI objects. |
NSCBMCellEditor | Editor for table cells which uses a JComboBox to select an entry from a NumberedStringComboBoxModel |
NSLMTableCellRenderer | Renderer for table cells which uses a NumberedStringListModel as data source Intention behind this renderer is that a value is always normalized to the model's representation of the value. |
NumberedStringComboBoxModel | Combobox model for Lists of NumberedStrings. |
NumberedStringListModel | List model for Lists of NumberedStrings. |
NumericTextField | JTextField which only allows numeric input. |
NumericTextField.IntegerDocument | |
PropertiesEditor | Don't use this for new projects any more, use PropertiesEditorXML instead. |
PropertiesEditor.LookAndFeelComboBox | Editor field for selecting a "Look'n'feel". |
PropertiesEditor.MyFileFilter | File filter looking for file extensions or directories only. |
PropertiesEditorXML | An I18N-aware editor widget for Properties or similar stuff configured by an XML description. |
PropertiesEditorXML.DotLabelResourceBundle | Helper class which allows to use resource bundles where the resource names do not have the ".label" suffix in their key. |
PropertiesEditorXML.LookAndFeelComboBox | Editor field for selecting a "Look'n'feel". |
PropertiesEditorXML.MyFileFilter | File filter looking for file extensions or directories only. |
QSwingUtilities | Collection of helper methods for certain more complex Swing/GUI-based tasks. |
QSwingUtilities.StandardStreamLogger | Internal helper class for log frame implementation. |
ResourceLoader | Helper class to load more complex resources more conveniently. |
RowResizingJTable | JTable with somehow intelligent row height computation. |
ScalingImagePane | A JComponent-derived panel to show an image scaled to fit with respect to aspect ratio. |
ScrollerPane | A JComponent-derived panel to scroll some contents through |
SelectableJPopupMenu | JPopupMenu with working selection of certain elements in the item list. |
SimpleIndicator | Indicator field which changes color depending on enabling state. |
SimpleIndicatorUI | Abstract UI delegate template for simple indicator. |
SwingClassLoader | Initializer class for the biz.chitec.quarterback.swing package. |
TableCellSizeAdjustor | Adjusts width and height of table colums according to their content. |
TableHeaderConfigurationModel | Generalized table header configuration Stores all possible table columns and configurations of which columns should be shown. |
TableHeaderConfigurator | Controlling element for table header configuration. |
TableRowHeightEvent | Event for spreading row height information within JTable. |
TableTabSmartifier | |
TimeZoneComboBoxModel | Special model to allow selection of a TimeZone The timezones are shown in alphabetical order. |
TinyImageEditor | Image editor for some basic operations: Cropping, scaling, changing format and compression level TinyImageEditor features a scaling image presentation, some basic information about the image and its storing file and allows some basic operation to change them: Cropping to take only a part of the image, scaling to make the image smaller (or larger...), and changing storage type (PNG versus JPG) and JPG compression level, if applicable. |
TitleLabelUI | Abstract UI delegate template for title label. |
TOM | ToolTip'd Object Maker - create Swing compenents with ToolTips conveniently. |
UnwantWantModel | Model for wanted and unwanted selections. |
UnwantWantSelector | Selector for wanted and unwanted selections. |
Swing utility classes.
biz.chitec.quarterback.swing does only depend on itself, the standard libraries, and biz.chitec.quarterback.swing.
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