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Package biz.chitec.quarterback.swing

Swing utility classes.


Interface Summary
ChangeableListModel Extended ListModel which allows generic insertion and deletion of elements.
ChatSymbolRendererConstants Tiny implementation of all constants needed for renderers of chat symbols.
DefaultLocaleChangeReceiver General interface for desktop components.
TableRowHeightListener Listener interface for table row height events.
TableRowHeightProvider Interface for classes providing information about the required row height of a table This interface is needed by classes being responsible for table rendering in some way and which have the need for dynamically changed row heights.

Class Summary
BasicMultiColorLabelUI UI delegate for multi color label
BasicSimpleIndicatorUI UI delegate for simple indicator.
BasicTitleLabelUI UI delegate for title label.
CalendarPanel A panel which shows a date in a standard calendar type The panel shows the month of the current date.
ChatSymbolCellEditor Editor for table cells which uses a JComboBox to select a ChatSymbolHolder entry The editor works in the same modes as the ChatSymbolTableCellRenderer
ChatSymbolListCellRenderer Renderer for lists representing chat symbols.
ChatSymbolTableCellRenderer Renderer for table cells which uses a ChatSymbolHolder to represent the given value appropriately The renderer works in one of three modes.
ConsoleLabeller Label-like class with asynchronously callable text set and clear methods.
DesktopFrameSelector General keyboard-based sector for internal frames of a desktop pane.
DesktopFrameSelector.FrameAction Action for the menu items of the popup menu.
DummyTableCellEditor A cell editor which does exactly nothing and needs no space.
DynamicMenuBar Dynamic menu bar definition for "living" menu bars.
FileSelectionField Text field for filename selection with button for dialog and means for attaching a filename filter
FileSelectionField.MyFileFilter File filter looking for file extensions or directories only.
FormattableTableCellRenderer Formattable renderer component for trees and tables.
GBC Convenience class with astatic method to create GridBagConstraints and several predefined GridBagConstraints objects.
HotkeyMaker Static helper class for assigning hotkeys to certain entities.
HTMLViewerFrame A frame capable of showing HTML files.
HTMLViewerFrame.AL Invocation action listener.
ImageEditModel Image editing model for some basic operations: Cropping, scaling, changing format and compression level ImageEditModel allows some basic operation on a given image file: Cropping to take only a part of the image, scaling to make the image smaller (or larger...), and changing storage type (PNG versus JPG) and JPG compression level, if applicable.
ImageMixer Helper class to create images and icons consisting of other images and icons.
JAdditionalColorsLabel Label with background shaded in a certain color depending on the normal background color and an additional color.
JLabeller Label-like class with asynchronously callable text set and clear methods.
JListMouser The somehow incorrect test of making a MouseAdapter which emulates CTRL pressing.
JMultiColorLabel Label where characters can have their unique colors each one.
JTitleLabel Title label with larger font and different colors.
KeyStrokeReader Reads key strokes direcly from the keyboard.
LED Multi-color LED-like widget which knows about blinking and autorepainting.
LEDField Martix of LEDs to show some content
ListKeyInputHandler Keystroke handler for lists to select entries by typing the beginnings of the entries.
ListKeyInputHandler.BasicKIHCellRendererUI UI delegate with implementation.
ListKeyInputHandler.KIHCellRenderer The cell renderer object for the ListKeyInputHandler.
ListKeyInputHandler.KIHCellRendererUI Generic UI delegate class.
LocaleComboBoxModel Special model to allow selection of a locale All installed locales are shown for selection.
LocaleFlag Management class for locale flags.
LocaleListCellRenderer Renderer for lists with locale objects Prints the locale's name and country in each locale's language.
LocaleSelector Locale selection widget Shows available locales as buttons with name and flag (if available).
LogFrame Panel for logging output.
LogPanel Panel for logging output.
MapListModelHelper Common helper class for Table and TreeTable models of List of Maps.
MapListTableCellManager Managing class for cell renderers and editors in tables which are driven by a MapListTableModel.
MapListTableModel Model object for JTable to represent List of Maps.
MapListTableSorter Knows how to sort tables with MapListTableModel behind using a sorting constraint.
MultiColorLabelUI Abstract UI delegate template for multi color label
MultiLineTableRenderer Special table cell renderer capable of presenting the content wrapped in multiple lines.
MultiLineTreeRenderer Special tree cell renderer capable of presenting the content wrapped in multiple lines.
MyMetalTheme Metal theme with color scheme support and support for some additional GUI objects.
NSCBMCellEditor Editor for table cells which uses a JComboBox to select an entry from a NumberedStringComboBoxModel
NSLMTableCellRenderer Renderer for table cells which uses a NumberedStringListModel as data source Intention behind this renderer is that a value is always normalized to the model's representation of the value.
NumberedStringComboBoxModel Combobox model for Lists of NumberedStrings.
NumberedStringListModel List model for Lists of NumberedStrings.
NumericTextField JTextField which only allows numeric input.
PropertiesEditor Don't use this for new projects any more, use PropertiesEditorXML instead.
PropertiesEditor.LookAndFeelComboBox Editor field for selecting a "Look'n'feel".
PropertiesEditor.MyFileFilter File filter looking for file extensions or directories only.
PropertiesEditorXML An I18N-aware editor widget for Properties or similar stuff configured by an XML description.
PropertiesEditorXML.DotLabelResourceBundle Helper class which allows to use resource bundles where the resource names do not have the ".label" suffix in their key.
PropertiesEditorXML.LookAndFeelComboBox Editor field for selecting a "Look'n'feel".
PropertiesEditorXML.MyFileFilter File filter looking for file extensions or directories only.
QSwingUtilities Collection of helper methods for certain more complex Swing/GUI-based tasks.
QSwingUtilities.StandardStreamLogger Internal helper class for log frame implementation.
ResourceLoader Helper class to load more complex resources more conveniently.
RowResizingJTable JTable with somehow intelligent row height computation.
ScalingImagePane A JComponent-derived panel to show an image scaled to fit with respect to aspect ratio.
ScrollerPane A JComponent-derived panel to scroll some contents through
SelectableJPopupMenu JPopupMenu with working selection of certain elements in the item list.
SimpleIndicator Indicator field which changes color depending on enabling state.
SimpleIndicatorUI Abstract UI delegate template for simple indicator.
SwingClassLoader Initializer class for the biz.chitec.quarterback.swing package.
TableCellSizeAdjustor Adjusts width and height of table colums according to their content.
TableHeaderConfigurationModel Generalized table header configuration Stores all possible table columns and configurations of which columns should be shown.
TableHeaderConfigurator Controlling element for table header configuration.
TableRowHeightEvent Event for spreading row height information within JTable.
TimeZoneComboBoxModel Special model to allow selection of a TimeZone The timezones are shown in alphabetical order.
TinyImageEditor Image editor for some basic operations: Cropping, scaling, changing format and compression level TinyImageEditor features a scaling image presentation, some basic information about the image and its storing file and allows some basic operation to change them: Cropping to take only a part of the image, scaling to make the image smaller (or larger...), and changing storage type (PNG versus JPG) and JPG compression level, if applicable.
TitleLabelUI Abstract UI delegate template for title label.
TOM ToolTip'd Object Maker - create Swing compenents with ToolTips conveniently.
UnwantWantModel Model for wanted and unwanted selections.
UnwantWantSelector Selector for wanted and unwanted selections.

Package biz.chitec.quarterback.swing Description

Swing utility classes.

Package Specification

This packages contains a variety of helper objects useable for Swing applications. This contains:

biz.chitec.quarterback.swing does only depend on itself, the standard libraries, and biz.chitec.quarterback.swing.

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