Class LocaleFlag
- public class LocaleFlag
- extends java.lang.Object
Management class for locale flags.
Knows how to load a flag for a certain locale and returns it through its static method.
Flag design is controlled via the flag mode and depends on whether the locale contains
a country or only a language. Flag modes are defined in LocaleFlagTypes
- NONE: No flag is ever returned.
- COUNTRYONLY: Flag depends only on country. A language-only locale gets no flag.
- GRAYEDLANGUAGE: A language-only locale gets a grayed version of the flag for the default country for this language.
- NORMALLANGUAGE: A language-only locale gets the flag for the default country for this language.
- BRIGHTENEDLANGUAGE: A language-only locale gets a brightened version of the flag for the default country for this language.
The default-country for a language is defined in the resources for this class.
Flag objects are cached so that loading and scaling only happens once per locale and flag height.
- Version:
- $Id: e373acc92a7ceecd4b38a94f45446adc9ba0aa78 $
- Author:
- cantamen/Dirk Hillbrecht 2006
Method Summary |
private static java.awt.Image |
createLanguageOnlyImage(java.awt.Image i,
int flagmode)
static javax.swing.ImageIcon |
getLocaleFlag(java.util.Locale locale,
int flagmode,
int flagheight)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
private static java.util.Map emptyflagcache
private static java.util.Map localetoiconcache
private static java.util.ResourceBundle rb
private LocaleFlag()
private static java.awt.Image createLanguageOnlyImage(java.awt.Image i,
int flagmode)
public static javax.swing.ImageIcon getLocaleFlag(java.util.Locale locale,
int flagmode,
int flagheight)