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Class NumberedStringListModel

  extended byjavax.swing.AbstractListModel
      extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.swing.NumberedStringListModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChangeableListModel, javax.swing.ListModel, java.io.Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class NumberedStringListModel
extends javax.swing.AbstractListModel
implements ChangeableListModel

List model for Lists of NumberedStrings. Has nice special methods for handling the lists (e.g. intelligent insertion) and several methods to transform between GUI indices and NumberedString indices

$Id: 80b67f6cbed6f3197d1c7890704cceb640479cd6 $
Dirk Hillbrecht/chitec 1997-2000. Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  boolean addnrfirst
protected  boolean dosort
protected  java.util.List mydata
protected  javax.swing.JList mylist
protected  boolean showaddnr
protected  boolean sortbyname
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractListModel
Constructor Summary
          initializes with neither data list nor show-additional-number-flag
NumberedStringListModel(boolean sad)
          initializes with show-additional-number-flag only
NumberedStringListModel(ChatSymbolHolder csh)
          Initialize with symbols from given ChatSymbolHolder, take all symbols.
NumberedStringListModel(ChatSymbolHolder csh, int[] idxx)
          Initialize with symbols from given ChatSymbolHolder.
NumberedStringListModel(java.util.List v)
          initializes with data list only
NumberedStringListModel(java.util.List v, boolean sad)
          initializes with data list and show-additional-number-flag given
Method Summary
 void add(java.lang.Object element)
          Adds a single element to the model.
 void addAll(java.util.List v)
 void addContent(java.util.List newdata)
          adds some content at the end of already existing one.
 void addFromChatSymbolHolder(ChatSymbolHolder csh)
          Adds all symbols from the given ChatSymbolHolder to the model.
 void addFromChatSymbolHolder(ChatSymbolHolder csh, int[] idxx)
          Add content to the chat data model from a chat symbol holder.
 int Addnr2GUIIdx(int addnr)
          Translates NumberedString's addnr into the GUI index of the NumberedString.
 boolean changeContent(java.util.List v)
          replace content with new content.
private static void changeInIntArray(int[] a, int swap1, int swap2)
 void clear()
          Removes all elements.
 boolean containsNSIdx(int nsidx)
          Checks if there is a NumberedString with the given internal index.
private static int[] deleteFromIntArray(int[] a, int delval)
 boolean getAddNrFirst()
 java.util.List getContent()
          returns the content list
 java.lang.Object getElementAt(int idx)
          returns an element with GUI index This is a list model interface method.
 javax.swing.JList getList()
 NumberedString getNSbyNSIdx(int nsidx)
          Returns one NumberedString by its own index field.
 boolean getShowAddNr()
 int getSize()
          returns size of data list.
 int GUI2NSAddNr(int guiidx)
          Translates GUI index into additional number of NumberedString at that position.
 int GUI2NSIdx(int guiidx)
          Translates GUI index into index of NumberedString at that position.
 int[] GUI2NSIdx(int[] guiidx)
          Translates several GUI indices into their internal NumberedString counterparts.
 boolean isSortByName()
 boolean isSorting()
 int[] lazyNS2GUIIdx(int[] nsidx)
          Converts elements of given int array to GUI index.
 int[] lazyNS2GUIIdx(java.util.List nsidx)
          Converts elements of given List to GUI index.
 int NS2GUIIdx(int nsidx)
          Translates internal NumberedString index into the GUI index of the NumberedString.
 int[] NS2GUIIdx(int[] guiidx)
          Translates several internal NumberedString indices into their GUI counterparts.
 java.lang.Object remove(int index)
          Removes a certain element from the model.
 void removeContent()
          removes all content.
 void setAddNrFirst(boolean addnrfirstx)
 void setContent(java.util.List newdata)
          sets new content.
 void setList(javax.swing.JList lx)
 void setShowAddNr(boolean sad)
 void setSortByName(boolean s)
 void setSorting(boolean s)
private  void sortMe()
 void trimToExternalList(java.util.List v)
          Trims contents of this model to external List.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractListModel
addListDataListener, fireContentsChanged, fireIntervalAdded, fireIntervalRemoved, getListDataListeners, getListeners, removeListDataListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.swing.ListModel
addListDataListener, removeListDataListener

Field Detail


protected java.util.List mydata


protected boolean showaddnr


protected boolean addnrfirst


protected javax.swing.JList mylist


protected boolean dosort


protected boolean sortbyname
Constructor Detail


public NumberedStringListModel(java.util.List v,
                               boolean sad)
initializes with data list and show-additional-number-flag given


public NumberedStringListModel(boolean sad)
initializes with show-additional-number-flag only


public NumberedStringListModel(java.util.List v)
initializes with data list only


public NumberedStringListModel()
initializes with neither data list nor show-additional-number-flag


public NumberedStringListModel(ChatSymbolHolder csh,
                               int[] idxx)
Initialize with symbols from given ChatSymbolHolder.


public NumberedStringListModel(ChatSymbolHolder csh)
Initialize with symbols from given ChatSymbolHolder, take all symbols.

Method Detail


public void setList(javax.swing.JList lx)
Specified by:
setList in interface ChangeableListModel


public javax.swing.JList getList()
Specified by:
getList in interface ChangeableListModel


public void setShowAddNr(boolean sad)


public boolean getShowAddNr()


public void setAddNrFirst(boolean addnrfirstx)


public boolean getAddNrFirst()


public void setSorting(boolean s)


public boolean isSorting()


public void setSortByName(boolean s)


public boolean isSortByName()


private static void changeInIntArray(int[] a,
                                     int swap1,
                                     int swap2)


private static int[] deleteFromIntArray(int[] a,
                                        int delval)


private void sortMe()


public void trimToExternalList(java.util.List v)
Trims contents of this model to external List. Quite complex operation: Test for each element of the model, whether it is also in the given List. If it is, remove it from the external list, if it is not, remove it from the model.

This method is needed to trim the model's content against any changes in the data underlying the model's filling. The method is given the new basic data, it decides for each currently included value whether it continues to be valid or not (e.g. whether it is in the new data or not). If it is not valid any more, it is removed (that's logical). If it continues to be valid, it is removed from the (new) data, so that that list contains only those elements which are really new and not yet in the model. Having it changed that way allows us just to append that list to the currently available data at the end (e.g. using addContent()) to ensure that all new data is in the model.

Specified by:
trimToExternalList in interface ChangeableListModel


public java.lang.Object getElementAt(int idx)
returns an element with GUI index This is a list model interface method.

Specified by:
getElementAt in interface javax.swing.ListModel


public int getSize()
returns size of data list. If no data are given, 0 is returned.

Specified by:
getSize in interface javax.swing.ListModel


public void setContent(java.util.List newdata)
sets new content. Informs all interested objects through a contents changed event.


public void addContent(java.util.List newdata)
adds some content at the end of already existing one. Informs all interested objects through a contents changed event.


public void addAll(java.util.List v)
Specified by:
addAll in interface ChangeableListModel


public void removeContent()
removes all content. Fires event also.


public java.util.List getContent()
returns the content list


public boolean changeContent(java.util.List v)
replace content with new content. return true if content had really to be replaced (there were differences), false if new and old content didn't differ. Different sequence of the same items is a difference.


public void add(java.lang.Object element)
Adds a single element to the model. From ChangeableListModel

Specified by:
add in interface ChangeableListModel


public java.lang.Object remove(int index)
Removes a certain element from the model. From ChangeableListModel. THIS IS AN UGLY IMPLEMENTATION!!!

Specified by:
remove in interface ChangeableListModel


public void clear()
Removes all elements.

Specified by:
clear in interface ChangeableListModel


public NumberedString getNSbyNSIdx(int nsidx)
Returns one NumberedString by its own index field. Returns null if NumberedString is not available.


public int GUI2NSIdx(int guiidx)
Translates GUI index into index of NumberedString at that position. Returns -1 if no NumberedString is at that position.


public int GUI2NSAddNr(int guiidx)
Translates GUI index into additional number of NumberedString at that position. Returns -1 if no additional number is at that position.


public int[] GUI2NSIdx(int[] guiidx)
Translates several GUI indices into their internal NumberedString counterparts. Indices with no NumberedString at them are set to -1 in the result array.


public int NS2GUIIdx(int nsidx)
Translates internal NumberedString index into the GUI index of the NumberedString. Returns -1 if no NumberedString has the given internal index.


public int Addnr2GUIIdx(int addnr)
Translates NumberedString's addnr into the GUI index of the NumberedString. Returns -1 if no NumberedString has the given addnr.


public int[] NS2GUIIdx(int[] guiidx)
Translates several internal NumberedString indices into their GUI counterparts. For not available NumberedString indices, the result field is -1.


public boolean containsNSIdx(int nsidx)
Checks if there is a NumberedString with the given internal index.


public int[] lazyNS2GUIIdx(java.util.List nsidx)
Converts elements of given List to GUI index. The List may contain Integer objects, NumberedString objects of which the internal index is taken. Other objects are ignored. The method does only convert those internal indices which have a GUI counterpart. The result array may therefore have less entries than the original list.


public int[] lazyNS2GUIIdx(int[] nsidx)
Converts elements of given int array to GUI index. Semantics are the same as with the list parameter method.


public void addFromChatSymbolHolder(ChatSymbolHolder csh,
                                    int[] idxx)
Add content to the chat data model from a chat symbol holder. The added elements are NumberedStrings where the nr contains the symbol's numeric value and the name contains the symbolic value. If the ChatSymbolHolder is an IntChatSymbolHolder, name is set to the I18N'd representation instead of the symbolic value.

csh - ChatSymbolHolder to get the symbols from
idxx - Numeric constants to actually add to the list


public void addFromChatSymbolHolder(ChatSymbolHolder csh)
Adds all symbols from the given ChatSymbolHolder to the model. The symbols are taken from the ChatSymbolHolder.getAllSymbols() method which must therefore be implemented.

csh - ChatSymbolHolder to get the symbols from

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