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Package biz.chitec.quarterback.util

General utility classes.


Interface Summary
AsyncEventHandler Interface for an object that wants to handle asynchonously handled event objects.
Controller Extended Observer for observing the Controllable.
LoggingReceiver Interface for objects that receive data from a logger.
LoggingReceiverUpdaterFactory Factory interface for factory for updaters of receivers of logging information.
ProgressIndicator Interface for abstracting progress indication (e.g. by ConsoleWrapper).
PropertyChecker Quite small interface for objects that have a property, allow this to be changed from outside and want to give the manipulating object the chance to inform the holding object about the change.
StoppableRunnable Runnable with a special stopping method.
TransactionLoggingReceiver Logging receiver with transaction extension.

Class Summary
ArrayComparer Methods to compare arrays of generic types.
AsyncEvent Asynchronous event.
AsyncEventDispatcher Base thread class for handling GUI-driven events asynchronously from the GUI.
AsyncEventThread Arbitrary asynchronous thread which handles something in an event-driven way.
Base64 Base64 codec.
ByteArrayFormatter Static final class with one method to pretty print byte arrays.
ByteRecodingFilterInputStream Filtering class for e.g. character conversion DOS/Latin1 (not supported by JDK directly
ByteRecodingFilterOutputStream Filtering class for e.g. character conversion DOS/Latin1 (not supported by JDK directly).
CharsetProvider Provider for QJCC-embedded charsets "GSM-SMS" and "HexNibble".
ConsoleWrapper Quite dumb abstract console object.
Controllable "Brain" class.
CSVHandler Base for CSV reading and writing.
CSVReader Reads CSV data in and transforms them into a vector of hashtables After instantiation, a CSVReader should be given all fields of the table that have to be recognized.
CSVWriter Creates a CSV output from Maps each representing one row of the table.
DBAbstractor Convenience class with oftenly needed database operations.
DBWakeupToggler Sends from time to time request to database connections to prevent them from being closed.
DBWakeupToggler.ListContent Content of the internal connection list.
DOMHelp Some helper stuff for handling DOM trees.
DOMHelp.NodeListIterator Internal helper class for accessing node lists through an Iterator.
EDate Date and time range class with arithmetic capabilities.
EDateMultiRange Multiple date ranges in one storage.
EDateRange Java representation of a date range with EDate start and end point.
EDateUtilities Some helper classes for working with EDates.
EDateUtilities.EDateCanonicalRangeIterator Returns series of time ranges with a certain standard length and canonified start- and enddates.
EDateUtilities.EDateDayOfWeekIterator Iterator for dates between start and end which belong to certain weekdays.
EDateUtilities.EDateIntervalIterator Iterator for equally distanced date values.
EDateUtilities.EDateMonthlyIterator Iterator for equally distanced date values.
EDateUtilities.EDateRangeIterator Returns series of time ranges with a certain standard length.
EmptyLoggingReceiver Smallest possible class to implement LoggingReceiver
EqualityUtilities Some helper methods for the task of checking equality between more complex objects.
HiddenDefaultValueMap Map which returns default values of a second map if the first map has no content.
HierarchicalResourceBundle ResourceBundle which is built out of several hierarchial grouped bundles.
Hotkeys Low-level hotkey tool.
IteratorEnumeration Enumeration which is backed by an Iterator For conversion between modern and legacy APIs
LimitedThreadInterface Implements a @see biz.chitec.quarterback.util.ThreadInterface which allows you to dynamically control the internal queue size.
LocaleComparator Compares two Locales according to their languages, countries and variants.
LocaleConverter Converts a Locale into a String representation and vice versa
LogFileWriter Log object which can write into file and onto console.
Logger Basic logging object.
LoggingReceiverUpdater Updates logging receivers.
ManifestReader Access methods for JAR file manifests.
MapComparator Comparator class for Maps.
MapResourceBundle A Resourcebundle which feeds itself out of a map Especially useful if the bundle has been transferred between server and client.
MF Convenience methods for formatting messages with java.util.MessageFormat.
NameUtilities Helper methods to handle names in one or the other manner.
Null The all famous, incredible Null Object.
NumberComparator Comparator class for Number objects.
NumberedString Data type class combining a number, a String and an additional number if needed.
NumberedStringComparator Comparator class for NumberedStrings.
OrderedPropertyStorer Helper class to store contents of a properties list in alphabetical order.
PropertiesConsolidator Static helper class to consolidate several Properties objects into one and resort them again.
PropertiesStorer Static helper class to store a Properties object into a database.
QuickIntArray Storage for int values which provides certain basic operations with speed in mind.
RB Loads hierarchical ResourceBundles with respect to class hierarchy.
Recode Static-only-class for character recoding.
RowLock Class to lock unique rows of tables against concurrent access using a database that doesn't support this on its own.
SelfLoadingClassBasedResourceBundle Resource bundle implementation which knows itself about its source and can reload its contents for a changed locale.
Sequencer Class with methods to handle unique numbers tables using a database that doesn't support this on its own.
SMS Representation of an SMS as it is used in GSM cellular networks.
StoppableThread Thread with a special stopping method.
StringRepresentationComparator Comparator which takes the objects' toString() representation for comparation.
TalkingMap Map featuring a property event sending mechanism on changing data.
ThreadInterface simple Interface following the multithreaded producer-consumer paradigm.
ThreadKicker simple thread synchronisator ThreadKicker is a simplified ThreadInterface.
UpdateableLogger Logging object with update facility.
ValueHistoryStorage Storage for development of a value through the time.
ValueHistoryStorage.QuantiEntry Small helper class for the QuantifiedIterator.
ValueHistoryStorage.ValueMark Helper class to store a value at a certain point of time.
VersionUtilities Tools for comparing version strings.

Exception Summary

Package biz.chitec.quarterback.util Description

General utility classes.

Package Specification

This packages contains a variety of helper classes useable in any application. This contains: Note that there is another package specially for Swing helper classes: biz.chitec.quarterback.swing. biz.chitec.quarterback.util does not depend on anything but standard libraries and itself.

Dirk Hillbrecht 1999-2000, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000-2002

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