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Package biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic

Classes to build logical expressions in tree form.


Interface Summary
LogicExpr Interface for logic expressions.
LogicExpr.Converter Special interface for value conversion.
LogicExpr.UniverseGenerator Special interface for universe generation.

Class Summary
AlgebraicExpr Common superclass for AND, OR and further operations of Boolean algebra
ANDExpr Interface for logic expressions
ArithmeticExpr Base for logical expressions which work as arithmetic comparators Keeps helper classes and defines the overall workflow for the different arithmetic checks.
BetweenExpr Logic expression checking whether a certain value of the universe is in the given collection of values.
BooleanCompareExpr Compares a value to a given boolean value.
ConstantExpr Interface for logic expressions
ContainsExpr Interface for logic expressions
EqualsExpr Tests for equality between the representation of the left argument in the universe and the constant in the right argument.
EvaluatorExpr Convenience method small evaluating expressions which grounds everything without evaluate().
FilterExpr Interface for logic expressions
GreaterThanExpr Logical expression checking whether a certain value in the universe is less than a given number The value in the universe has to be of type Number, otherwise checks will always return false.
GreaterThanOrEqualsExpr Logical expression checking whether a certain value in the universe is less than a given number The value in the universe has to be of type Number, otherwise checks will always return false.
InExpr Logic expression checking whether a certain value of the universe is in the given collection of values.
IntCompareExpr Compares a value to some of the given String values.
LessThanExpr Logical expression checking whether a certain value in the universe is less than a given number The value in the universe has to be of type Number, otherwise checks will always return false.
LessThanOrEqualsExpr Logical expression checking whether a certain value in the universe is less than a given number The value in the universe has to be of type Number, otherwise checks will always return false.
LikeExpr Logic expression checking whether a certain value of the universe is string-wise like the given mask.
LogicExprUtilities Helper methods for logic expressions.
NOTExpr Interface for logic expressions
ORExpr Interface for logic expressions
SmartCompareExpr Compares a value to something else.
StringCompareExpr Compares a value to some of the given String values.

Package biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic Description

Classes to build logical expressions in tree form.

Package Specification

The classes in this package can be used to build up logical expressions which can be used lateron to reason about the truth of an expression. Each expression takes other expressions as parameters and can produce a logical evaluation of those ones.

chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000-2002

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