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Class StringCompareExpr

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.SmartCompareExpr
      extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.StringCompareExpr
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, LogicExpr

public class StringCompareExpr
extends SmartCompareExpr

Compares a value to some of the given String values. This class is especially for database comparisons. Note that this can be moved later to QJCC.

$Id: 38d306216cad561c6e6b8a7bb04f918e177807cd $
cantamen/Dirk Hillbrecht 2008. Released under LGPL or GPL with classpath exception.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.LogicExpr
LogicExpr.Converter, LogicExpr.UniverseGenerator
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.SmartCompareExpr
key, values
Constructor Summary
StringCompareExpr(java.lang.String keyx, java.util.List valuesx)
StringCompareExpr(java.lang.String keyx, java.lang.String svaluesx)
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.String internalToString(java.util.List internalvalues)
 java.lang.String sqlString(java.util.Map identifiers)
          Returns an SQL representation of the expression with the constant names replaced by the ones in the given Map.
protected  java.util.List stringToInternal(java.lang.String values)
Methods inherited from class biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.SmartCompareExpr
clone, convertValues, equals, evaluate, getDisplayKey, getInternalVars, getKey, getResultSet, getValues, getValuesString, isReady, isTreeReady, setDisplayKey, setValuesString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StringCompareExpr(java.lang.String keyx,
                         java.lang.String svaluesx)


public StringCompareExpr(java.lang.String keyx,
                         java.util.List valuesx)
Method Detail


protected java.lang.String internalToString(java.util.List internalvalues)
Specified by:
internalToString in class SmartCompareExpr


protected java.util.List stringToInternal(java.lang.String values)
Specified by:
stringToInternal in class SmartCompareExpr


public java.lang.String sqlString(java.util.Map identifiers)
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Returns an SQL representation of the expression with the constant names replaced by the ones in the given Map.

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