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Class EvaluatorExpr

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.EvaluatorExpr
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, LogicExpr

public abstract class EvaluatorExpr
extends java.lang.Object
implements LogicExpr

Convenience method small evaluating expressions which grounds everything without evaluate(). If the whole engine of logical expressions is not needed for a certain use case, this class can be used as a convenience parent class for a tiny logical expression which just wants to implement evaluate().

$Id: e226d093ba0534c1688c2de8228ded7dd74907fe $
cantamen/Dirk Hillbrecht 2008

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.LogicExpr
LogicExpr.Converter, LogicExpr.UniverseGenerator
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Deep-copy the logic expression.
 void convertValues(LogicExpr.Converter c)
          Conversion of values in the expressions (e.g. for replacing external representations of database entries with their internal key)
 java.lang.Object[] getInternalVars()
          Only for GJSA class parsers: get class variables to create object from a parsed string.
 int[] getResultSet(LogicExpr.UniverseGenerator generator)
          Return all elements of the universe which match the expression
 boolean isReady()
          Returns if the expression is actually evaluable, i.e. any of the evaluating methods can be called.
 boolean isTreeReady()
          Returns whether this and all deeper expressions are evaluable.
 java.lang.String sqlString(java.util.Map identifiers)
          Returns an SQL representation of the expression with the constant names replaced by the ones in the given Map.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface biz.chitec.quarterback.util.logic.LogicExpr

Constructor Detail


public EvaluatorExpr()
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Deep-copy the logic expression. The contract for this method says the the logic expression must be deep-copied. I.e. if clone() is called for the root expression of a certain expression tree, a completely independent tree is returned.

Note: This method must be defined in a way that makes it quite complicated to call it for simply cloning a logic expression tree: It returns an Object (which always happens to be a LogicExpr) and it might throw a CloneNotSupportedException - which will (a) never happen and is (b) no RuntimeException, so a caller would always have to catch it.

To make life simpler, there is a static method LogicExprUtilties.cloneLogicExpr() which will call clone() on the root object and take care of return value and exceptions.

Specified by:
clone in interface LogicExpr


public void convertValues(LogicExpr.Converter c)
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Conversion of values in the expressions (e.g. for replacing external representations of database entries with their internal key)

Specified by:
convertValues in interface LogicExpr


public java.lang.Object[] getInternalVars()
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Only for GJSA class parsers: get class variables to create object from a parsed string.

Specified by:
getInternalVars in interface LogicExpr


public int[] getResultSet(LogicExpr.UniverseGenerator generator)
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Return all elements of the universe which match the expression

Specified by:
getResultSet in interface LogicExpr


public boolean isReady()
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Returns if the expression is actually evaluable, i.e. any of the evaluating methods can be called. If this method returns false, the expression should not be evaluated. Note that this method does not care for the evaluation state of any potential children of this LogicExpr. Use isTreeEvaluable() for this test.

Specified by:
isReady in interface LogicExpr
True if an evaluation is possible, false if not.


public boolean isTreeReady()
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Returns whether this and all deeper expressions are evaluable. Walks through the the expression tree and returns only true if all expressions below are evaluable.

Specified by:
isTreeReady in interface LogicExpr
True if this and all expressions below are evaluable, false otherwise.


public java.lang.String sqlString(java.util.Map identifiers)
Description copied from interface: LogicExpr
Returns an SQL representation of the expression with the constant names replaced by the ones in the given Map.

Specified by:
sqlString in interface LogicExpr

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