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Class EDate

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.util.EDate
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Comparable, java.io.Serializable

public class EDate
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable

Date and time range class with arithmetic capabilities.

General capabilities

EDate can store dates and time ranges. It should be seen in conjunction with the date representing classes of the Java standard classes. Compared to them, EDate focuses on arithmetic functions. It does not have the generalization in date representations Calendar and friends offer. EDate does always work with the Gregorian calendar in mind and days which have 24 flat-numbered hours. EDate's capability of representing time ranges has no equivalent within the java.util classes.

Internal structure

Internally, EDate uses a representation based on storing seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years separately (with time ranges not having month and year values). Arithmetic works always partwise with immideate normalisation. EDate uses a local, flat time model, it does not care about time zones, daylight saving times or leap seconds. It does only know about the time model of the Gregorian Calendar. It does however, take care about time zones when it comes to transferring from and to the epoch. Normally, it behaves to be in the local and current timezone and cares about daylight saving times.

EDate does only work with positive dates and ranges. Date operation that work with week days or leap years work only with dates later than Jan, 1st, 1600.

Midnight representation

While from the mathematical point of view times are always in the (including) range from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59, EDate allows the time specification 24:00:00, which is midnight and equvalent to 00:00:00 of the next day. You can force EDate to turn a midnight date into this special representation by calling force24(). This does NOT have any effect on the special access methods for database access. Generally, the representation is abandonned as soon as any arithmetic takes place on the date. Time ranges do never have an hour number of "24".

Internationalization and time zones

EDate has internationalized capabilites of presenting its settings. It can be transformed from and into a standard Java Date instance to be processed by DateFormat or similar classes.

The arithmetic model of EDate has no idea of time zones. The only problem that could arise if one works (implicitly) with a local time zone is that at switch times to and from daylight saving time, time range lengths are computed wrongly. If this is a problem, all time computations should be done using UTC or another flat time model - and conversion into any derived time zone should be done later.

EDate offers time zone conversion methods which transform the represented time in-situ. It should be clear that time range computations etc. do only make sense if all involved EDates represent the time in the same time zone.

This is an important and powerful class.

$Id: 7518c15fdbad07a2ef8f03443911a1e429ea09d3 $
Dirk Hillbrecht 1997-2000, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000-2003, cantamen/Dirk Hillbrecht 2003-2005 Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL .
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  int calcday
protected  int calchour
protected  int calcmonth
protected  int calcyear
protected  int day
private static EDate epochstart
private static EDate FIRSTOFJANUARYIN1600
static EDate fivehours
static EDate fiveminutes
static EDate fiveteenminutes
static EDate fourtyfiveminutes
static EDate halfhour
protected  int hour
static EDate immediately
static EDate immideately
static java.util.TimeZone LOCAL_ZONE
protected  int[] maxday
protected  int minute
protected  int month
private  int ocd
private  int ocm
private  int ocy
private  int od
private  int oh
private  int om
private  int omi
private  int[] omx
static EDate oneday
static EDate onehour
static EDate oneminute
static EDate oneweek
private  int os
private  int oy
protected  int second
static EDate sixhours
static EDate sixweeks
private static java.util.Map srbs
static EDate thirtyminutes
static EDate threedays
static EDate threehours
static EDate twodays
static EDate twohours
static EDate twominutes
static EDate twoweeks
static java.util.TimeZone UTC_ZONE
protected  int year
Constructor Summary
          initialize with local system time
EDate(boolean utc)
          initialize with system time either in local time or in UTC If utc is set to true, the EDate gets the current time in UTC.
EDate(java.util.Date d)
          initialize from a java.util.Date object.
EDate(EDate o)
          Copy constructor.
EDate(int thesecs)
          time range constructor.
EDate(int da, int ho, int mi, int se)
          time range constructor.
EDate(int ye, int mo, int da, int ho, int mi, int se)
          date constructor.
EDate(long themillisecs)
          Create EDate in local time from epoch-wise milliseconds in UTC.
EDate(long themillisecs, boolean local)
          Create EDate in local time from some epoch-wise milliseconds.
EDate(long themillisecs, java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Create EDate from epoch in specified timezone The given milliseconds value is taken relatively to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
EDate(java.lang.String ds)
          String constructor.
EDate(java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Create EDate with the current time in the given timezone.
Method Summary
 EDate abandon24()
 void add(EDate other)
          adds a time range to a date or another time range
 void addSeconds(int secs)
          add a small amount of seconds to the date
private  void afterInit()
          checks after initialization
static java.lang.String[] allDaysOfWeek(boolean shortver)
          Return all names of the days of the week.
static java.lang.String[] allDaysOfWeek(boolean shortver, java.util.Locale lo)
          Return all names of the days of the week.
 long asSeconds()
          returns this EDate as seconds (either the time range or the difference between this EDate and Dec., 31st, 1599, 00:00:00).
private  void backupState()
private  boolean basicEqualsLater(EDate other, boolean defval)
          Common helper method for laterThan and equalsOrLaterThan.
protected  void calcmonthlengths()
          calculate month lengths, esp. the length of February with respect to leap years.
private  void checkDayForMaxMonthLength()
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object o)
          Compares this EDate to the other.
 void convertFromTimeZonetoUTC(java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Converts the date represented by this EDate from the given time zone to UTC The method assumes that EDate's current date is represented in the given timezone.
 void convertFromUTCtoTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Converts the date represented by this EDate from UTC to given time zone The method assumes that EDate's current date is represented in UTC.
 void copyFrom(EDate o)
          copy data from other EDate
 java.lang.String dayOfWeek(boolean shortver)
          returns day of the week (long or short version) for now, German week day names are returned.
 int daysFrom1600()
          returns the number of days between the current date of this EDate object and Dec. 31st, 1599 (so Jan, 1st, 1600 would give "1" as result and so on...).
 java.lang.String debugOut()
 EDate decCanonical(int rangesymbol)
          Decrements the date according to a canonical time range.
 void decDay()
          Decrement day, but do not allow overflow into the previous month.
 void decDay(boolean allowoverflow)
 void decDay(boolean allowoverflow, int decstep)
 void decHour()
 void decMinute()
 void decMonth()
 void decMonth(boolean allowoverflow)
 void decMonth(boolean allowoverflow, int decstep)
 void decSecond()
 void decYear()
 EDate distance(EDate other)
          returns the difference between two dates or two time ranges as a new time range object.
private  java.lang.String doReturnCSVDate(boolean leadingdatezero, boolean dinformat)
private  java.lang.String doReturnToStringDate()
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
          true iff other is an EDate and equals this one
 boolean equalsHMS(EDate o)
          checks equality in time (hour, minte, and second)
 boolean equalsOrLaterThan(EDate other)
          true iff this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than or equal to the other EDate object.
 boolean equalsYMD(EDate o)
          checks equality in date (year, month, date)
 EDate force24()
          returns new EDate representing this EDate, but with 24:00 instead of 00:00
 void fromEpoch(long themillisecs, java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Initializes the EDate from an epoch value into the given timezone.
 java.lang.String getAccessDate()
          Return date in a format understandable by MS Access
 java.lang.String getCSVDate()
 java.lang.String getCSVDate(boolean leadingdatezero)
 java.lang.String getCSVDate(boolean leadingdatezero, boolean dinformat)
          Return date in a format understandable by CSV interpreters.
 int getDay()
 int getDayOfWeek()
          returns day of the week 0 means Monday, 1 Tuesday etc., Sunday is 6.
 EDate getDayPart()
          Return this very EDate with hour, minute and second set to zero.
 java.lang.String getDM()
          Return day, and month in a printable version.
 java.lang.String getDMY()
          Return day, month, and year in a printable version.
 java.lang.String getEscapedAccessDate()
          Return date in another format understandable by MS Access
 java.lang.String getHM()
          Return hour and minute in a printable version.
 int getHour()
 int getHour(boolean ampmmode)
 java.lang.String getI18NDate(boolean withweekday)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate as date in the standard locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDate(boolean withweekday, java.util.Locale lo)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate as date in the given locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDM(boolean withweekday)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) without year as date in the standard locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDM(boolean withweekday, java.util.Locale lo)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) without year as date in the given locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDMY(boolean withweekday)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) as date in the standard locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDMY(boolean withweekday, java.util.Locale lo)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) as date in the given locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDuration()
          Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDuration(boolean convertdaystohours)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDuration(boolean convertdaystohours, java.util.Locale lo)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale
 java.lang.String getI18NDuration(java.util.Locale lo)
          Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale with days printed as days,
 java.lang.String getLogFormatDate()
          return date in a format nice for log files
 int getMaxDayOfCurrentMonth()
 int getMinute()
 int getMonth()
private static java.util.ResourceBundle getRB()
private static java.util.ResourceBundle getRB(java.util.Locale lo)
 int getSecond()
 int getYear()
 EDate incCanonical(int rangesymbol)
          Increments the date according to a canonical time range.
 void incDay()
          Increment day, but do not allow overflow into the next month.
 void incDay(boolean allowoverflow)
 void incDay(boolean allowoverflow, int incstep)
 void incHour()
 void incMinute()
 void incMonth()
 void incMonth(boolean allowoverflow)
 void incMonth(boolean allowoverflow, int incstep)
 void incSecond()
 void incYear()
 void initFromDate(java.util.Date d)
 void initFromSeconds(int thesecs)
          Time range re-initializer.
 boolean isAM()
 boolean isdate()
          true iff EDate object represents a date
 boolean isLeapYear()
          returns if the current year of this EDate is a leap year.
static boolean isLeapYear(int year)
          static method: returns if the given year is a leap year.
 boolean isNormedTo(EDate norm)
          Return whether this EDate is normed to the EDate "norm".
 boolean isrange()
          true iff EDate object represents a time range
 boolean laterThan(EDate other)
          returns if this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than the other EDate object.
 void mul(int factor)
          multiplies a time range with a literal
private  void normalize()
          normalizes the date or time range (second and minute between 0 and 59, hour between 0 and 23, etc.)
 EDate normalizeCanonical(int rangesymbol)
          Normlizes the EDate to a canonical time range matching the range symbol.
 EDate normalizeTo(EDate start, int rangesymbol)
          Normalizes the current date in a way that it is a full number of intervals of the given type away from the start date.
 void normTo(EDate other)
          Normalize EDate to another.
private  void restoreState()
private  void setCalcDate()
 void setDay(int n)
 void setHMS(int h, int m, int s)
 void setHour(int n)
 void setMinute(int n)
 void setMonth(int n)
 void setSecond(int n)
 void setYear(int ny)
 void setYMD(int ny, int nm, int nd)
 void sub(EDate other)
          subtracts a time range from a date or a time range
private  boolean timeOnlyBasicEqualsLater(EDate other, boolean defval)
          Common helper method for timeOnlyLaterThan and timeOnlyEqualsOrLaterThan.
 int timeOnlyCompareTo(EDate other)
          Compares the time part of this EDate to the other EDate.
 boolean timeOnlyEquals(EDate o)
          true iff time of other equals to time of this one
 boolean timeOnlyEqualsOrLaterThan(EDate other)
          true iff time of this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than or equal to time of the other EDate object.
 boolean timeOnlyLaterThan(EDate other)
          returns if time of this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than the time of other EDate object.
 java.util.Date toDate()
          transform to java.util.Date
 long toEpoch()
          Returns the represented local date in UTC-epoch-wise milliseconds.
 long toEpoch(boolean local)
          Returns current local date in milliseconds in the Unix epoch.
 long toEpoch(java.util.Calendar cal)
          Convert EDate into milliseconds using the given Calendar object.
 long toEpoch(java.util.TimeZone tz)
          Convert EDate into milliseconds in the Unix epoch.
 java.lang.String toString()
          convert EDate to string.
private  java.lang.String zFill(java.lang.String s, int len)
          Fill a string up to length "len" with leading zero's "0"
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final EDate immideately


public static final EDate immediately


public static final EDate oneminute


public static final EDate twominutes


public static final EDate fiveminutes


public static final EDate fiveteenminutes


public static final EDate thirtyminutes


public static final EDate halfhour


public static final EDate fourtyfiveminutes


public static final EDate onehour


public static final EDate twohours


public static final EDate threehours


public static final EDate fivehours


public static final EDate sixhours


public static final EDate oneday


public static final EDate twodays


public static final EDate threedays


public static final EDate oneweek


public static final EDate twoweeks


public static final EDate sixweeks


public static final java.util.TimeZone UTC_ZONE


public static final java.util.TimeZone LOCAL_ZONE


private static final EDate epochstart


private static final EDate FIRSTOFJANUARYIN1600


protected int year


protected int month


protected int day


protected int hour


protected int minute


protected int second


protected int calcyear


protected int calcmonth


protected int calcday


protected int calchour


protected int[] maxday


private int oy


private int om


private int od


private int oh


private int omi


private int os


private int ocy


private int ocm


private int ocd


private int[] omx


private static transient java.util.Map srbs
Constructor Detail


public EDate(int ye,
             int mo,
             int da,
             int ho,
             int mi,
             int se)
date constructor. All parameters must be legal.


public EDate(int da,
             int ho,
             int mi,
             int se)
time range constructor. Parameters are normalized automatically (e.g. (0,0,0,120) is transformed to (0,0,2,0).


public EDate(int thesecs)
time range constructor. Parameter is interpreted as a time range in seconds.


public EDate(long themillisecs,
             boolean local)
Create EDate in local time from some epoch-wise milliseconds. With local set to true, the epoch is assumed not to be based on UTC timezone, but on local timezone (and therefore no real epoch...)


public EDate(long themillisecs,
             java.util.TimeZone tz)
Create EDate from epoch in specified timezone The given milliseconds value is taken relatively to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. If given timezone is different from UTC or GMT, time is evaluated in the given time zone. DST is evaluated accordingly to time zone information.

themillisecs - Epoch value to use
tz - timezone to evaluate epoch value in


public EDate(java.util.TimeZone tz)
Create EDate with the current time in the given timezone.

tz - timezone to evaluate the current time in


public EDate(long themillisecs)
Create EDate in local time from epoch-wise milliseconds in UTC.


public EDate()
initialize with local system time


public EDate(boolean utc)
initialize with system time either in local time or in UTC If utc is set to true, the EDate gets the current time in UTC. Otherwise, local time is used.


public EDate(java.util.Date d)
initialize from a java.util.Date object. The Date must return the correct local time.


public EDate(java.lang.String ds)
String constructor. Handles both dates and time ranges. Time ranges are any string with at least 8 characters that only contain 0-9 and ":" at last but 7th position, e.g. 0:003000 (half an hour). Dates are any String with 14 numerical chars which must be yyyymmddhhmmss. E.g. legal are "19970918130000" or "1997-09-18 13:00:00". If the date contains a subsecond part at the end (e.g. ".9" in "2005-06-07 13:04:53.9"), it is removed automatically.


public EDate(EDate o)
Copy constructor. Copy this EDate verbatim from another.

Method Detail


private static java.util.ResourceBundle getRB(java.util.Locale lo)


private static java.util.ResourceBundle getRB()


public void initFromSeconds(int thesecs)
Time range re-initializer. Parameter is interpreted as a time range in seconds.


public void initFromDate(java.util.Date d)


private void afterInit()
checks after initialization


public java.lang.String debugOut()


private void setCalcDate()


public void copyFrom(EDate o)
copy data from other EDate


public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)
static method: returns if the given year is a leap year. Conforms to all rules.


public boolean isLeapYear()
returns if the current year of this EDate is a leap year.


protected final void calcmonthlengths()
calculate month lengths, esp. the length of February with respect to leap years.


public boolean isrange()
true iff EDate object represents a time range


public boolean isdate()
true iff EDate object represents a date


private void backupState()


private void restoreState()


public void setYear(int ny)


public void setMonth(int n)


public void setDay(int n)


public void setYMD(int ny,
                   int nm,
                   int nd)


public void setHour(int n)


public void setMinute(int n)


public void setSecond(int n)


public void setHMS(int h,
                   int m,
                   int s)


public int getYear()


public int getMonth()


public int getMaxDayOfCurrentMonth()


public int getDay()


public int getHour()


public int getHour(boolean ampmmode)


public boolean isAM()


public int getMinute()


public int getSecond()


private void checkDayForMaxMonthLength()


public void incYear()


public void decYear()


public void incMonth()


public void incMonth(boolean allowoverflow)


public void incMonth(boolean allowoverflow,
                     int incstep)


public void decMonth()


public void decMonth(boolean allowoverflow)


public void decMonth(boolean allowoverflow,
                     int decstep)


public void incDay()
Increment day, but do not allow overflow into the next month.


public void incDay(boolean allowoverflow)


public void incDay(boolean allowoverflow,
                   int incstep)


public void decDay()
Decrement day, but do not allow overflow into the previous month.


public void decDay(boolean allowoverflow)


public void decDay(boolean allowoverflow,
                   int decstep)


public void incHour()


public void decHour()


public void incMinute()


public void decMinute()


public void incSecond()


public void decSecond()


public void add(EDate other)
adds a time range to a date or another time range


public void addSeconds(int secs)
add a small amount of seconds to the date


public void sub(EDate other)
subtracts a time range from a date or a time range


public void mul(int factor)
multiplies a time range with a literal


public int daysFrom1600()
returns the number of days between the current date of this EDate object and Dec. 31st, 1599 (so Jan, 1st, 1600 would give "1" as result and so on...). For time ranges, the "day"-value is returned unchanged.


public EDate distance(EDate other)
returns the difference between two dates or two time ranges as a new time range object. It is always positive.


private final void normalize()
normalizes the date or time range (second and minute between 0 and 59, hour between 0 and 23, etc.)


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object o)
Compares this EDate to the other. Returns 1 if this is greater (=later), -1 if this is earlier, 0 on equality.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable


public int timeOnlyCompareTo(EDate other)
Compares the time part of this EDate to the other EDate. Returns 1 if this is greater (=later), -1 if this is earlier, 0 on equality.


private boolean basicEqualsLater(EDate other,
                                 boolean defval)
Common helper method for laterThan and equalsOrLaterThan.


private boolean timeOnlyBasicEqualsLater(EDate other,
                                         boolean defval)
Common helper method for timeOnlyLaterThan and timeOnlyEqualsOrLaterThan.


public boolean laterThan(EDate other)
returns if this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than the other EDate object.


public boolean equalsOrLaterThan(EDate other)
true iff this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than or equal to the other EDate object.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
true iff other is an EDate and equals this one


public boolean timeOnlyLaterThan(EDate other)
returns if time of this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than the time of other EDate object.


public boolean timeOnlyEqualsOrLaterThan(EDate other)
true iff time of this EDate object is later (or for time ranges: larger) than or equal to time of the other EDate object.


public boolean timeOnlyEquals(EDate o)
true iff time of other equals to time of this one


public boolean equalsYMD(EDate o)
checks equality in date (year, month, date)


public boolean equalsHMS(EDate o)
checks equality in time (hour, minte, and second)


public long asSeconds()
returns this EDate as seconds (either the time range or the difference between this EDate and Dec., 31st, 1599, 00:00:00).


public void fromEpoch(long themillisecs,
                      java.util.TimeZone tz)
Initializes the EDate from an epoch value into the given timezone. The EDate is changed into representing the given epoch value in the given timezone. The epoch is always assumed to be UTC-based.

themillisecs -
tz -


public long toEpoch(java.util.TimeZone tz)
Convert EDate into milliseconds in the Unix epoch. EDate is interpreted being in the given time zone. DST is handled correctly.

tz - TimeZone to interpret EDate being in
time in milliseconds relative to the unix epoch.


public long toEpoch(java.util.Calendar cal)
Convert EDate into milliseconds using the given Calendar object. The calendar will handle the actual conversion. This method is only needed for cases where a huge number of EDates has to be converted and the calendar should not be loaded each time again.

cal - Calendar to do the conversion job
time in milliseconds relative to the unix epoch.


public long toEpoch(boolean local)
Returns current local date in milliseconds in the Unix epoch. The date is either interpreted as being in the local time zone (local=true) or in UTC timezone (local=false). The epoch is always UTC-based. Local time conversion obeys DST.

local - If true, handle time as being in the local time zone. If false, date is assumed to be in UTC (i.e. no timezone conversion is performed).


public long toEpoch()
Returns the represented local date in UTC-epoch-wise milliseconds.


public int getDayOfWeek()
returns day of the week 0 means Monday, 1 Tuesday etc., Sunday is 6.


public java.lang.String dayOfWeek(boolean shortver)
returns day of the week (long or short version) for now, German week day names are returned. This will change to a locale dependent system


public static java.lang.String[] allDaysOfWeek(boolean shortver,
                                               java.util.Locale lo)
Return all names of the days of the week. This is done internationalized by the means of i18n'd ResourceBundles.


public static java.lang.String[] allDaysOfWeek(boolean shortver)
Return all names of the days of the week. This is done internationalized by the means of i18n'd ResourceBundles.


public EDate getDayPart()
Return this very EDate with hour, minute and second set to zero.


public void normTo(EDate other)
Normalize EDate to another. From second to hour: If other.[field] is zero, set same field zero here. If field is not zero, make same field here multiple of value the other's field. Always make equal or smaller! Leave all higher fields untouched.


public boolean isNormedTo(EDate norm)
Return whether this EDate is normed to the EDate "norm". Only second, minute, and hour are checked. My time must be multiple of norm's time.


public EDate normalizeCanonical(int rangesymbol)
Normlizes the EDate to a canonical time range matching the range symbol. Canonical time ranges are defined by the constants of the EDateRangeSymbols class and define time ranges as daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. The ranges are called "canonical" as they are always counted as typical, e.g. "monthly" always begins on the 1st day of a month, "quarterly" on the first of January, April, July, or October. The date is normalized to the next smaller range begin. If it matches a range begin, it is not changed. The time is always set to midnight, 0:00, 12:00am. Weeks begin on Monday. Biweekly ranges are continuous through the years, i.e. they do not follow the weeks numbers within the year, but a global counting taking an ad-hoc definition of week 1.

rangesymbol - time range description as of EDateRangeSymbols


public EDate normalizeTo(EDate start,
                         int rangesymbol)
Normalizes the current date in a way that it is a full number of intervals of the given type away from the start date. The result is always less than or equal to the current setting.

start - A date from which we start counting
rangesymbol - A time range


public EDate incCanonical(int rangesymbol)
Increments the date according to a canonical time range. For the sake of efficiency, the date is assumed to be already normalized according the to same or a compatible canonical time range. The assumption is not checked. If it is false, the results will be mathematically correct but somehow bogus (as the spawned interval is not canonical any more).

rangesymbol - time range description as of EDateRangeSymbols


public EDate decCanonical(int rangesymbol)
Decrements the date according to a canonical time range. For the sake of efficiency, the date is assumed to be already normalized according the to same or a compatible canonical time range. The assumption is not checked. If it is false, the results will be mathematically correct but somehow bogus (as the spawned interval is not canonical any more).

rangesymbol - time range description as of EDateRangeSymbols


private java.lang.String zFill(java.lang.String s,
                               int len)
Fill a string up to length "len" with leading zero's "0"


public java.lang.String getDMY()
Return day, month, and year in a printable version.


public java.lang.String getDM()
Return day, and month in a printable version.


public java.lang.String getHM()
Return hour and minute in a printable version.


public java.lang.String getI18NDate(boolean withweekday,
                                    java.util.Locale lo)
Get i18n representation of this EDate as date in the given locale

withweekday - If true, puts day of the week into output
lo - The locale to return this date in
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDMY(boolean withweekday,
                                   java.util.Locale lo)
Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) as date in the given locale

withweekday - If true, puts day of the week into output
lo - The locale to return this date in
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDM(boolean withweekday,
                                  java.util.Locale lo)
Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) without year as date in the given locale

withweekday - If true, puts day of the week into output
lo - The locale to return this date in
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDuration(boolean convertdaystohours,
                                        java.util.Locale lo)
Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale

convertdaystohours - Convert days to hours, i.e. only print hours and below
lo - The locale to return this date in
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDuration(java.util.Locale lo)
Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale with days printed as days,

lo - The locale to return this date in
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDate(boolean withweekday)
Get i18n representation of this EDate as date in the standard locale

withweekday - If true, puts day of the week into output
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDMY(boolean withweekday)
Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) as date in the standard locale

withweekday - If true, puts day of the week into output
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDM(boolean withweekday)
Get i18n representation of this EDate's date (not time) without year as date in the standard locale

withweekday - If true, puts day of the week into output
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDuration()
Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale

String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getI18NDuration(boolean convertdaystohours)
Get i18n representation of this EDate as duration in the standard locale

convertdaystohours - If true, convert days to hours and print sum of this instead of explicit days.
String containing i18n representation.


public java.lang.String getAccessDate()
Return date in a format understandable by MS Access


public java.lang.String getEscapedAccessDate()
Return date in another format understandable by MS Access


public java.lang.String getCSVDate(boolean leadingdatezero,
                                   boolean dinformat)
Return date in a format understandable by CSV interpreters. This method always returns the date with time in range "00:00:00" and "23:59:59".


public java.lang.String getCSVDate(boolean leadingdatezero)


public java.lang.String getCSVDate()


private final java.lang.String doReturnCSVDate(boolean leadingdatezero,
                                               boolean dinformat)


public java.lang.String getLogFormatDate()
return date in a format nice for log files


public java.lang.String toString()
convert EDate to string. Format is either YYYYMMDDhhmmss format or D:hhmmss for time ranges with "D" having as many digits as needed.

This method never returns a date with hour=24.


private final java.lang.String doReturnToStringDate()


public EDate abandon24()


public EDate force24()
returns new EDate representing this EDate, but with 24:00 instead of 00:00


public java.util.Date toDate()
transform to java.util.Date


public void convertFromTimeZonetoUTC(java.util.TimeZone tz)
Converts the date represented by this EDate from the given time zone to UTC The method assumes that EDate's current date is represented in the given timezone. It converts the representation into UTC while taking care for time shifts, daylight saving times etc. The conversion is done in-situ, i.e. after calling this method the EDate might contain new day, hour, and minute values.

This method handles DST according to the time zone information. Dates within the "missing hour" at the switch from normal to DST time are converted as if they were within DST. Dates within the "double hour" at the switch from DST to normal time are always handled to be in the "second" hour, i.e. they are always interpreted being in normal time (not DST) of the given timezone. Strictly spoken, the DST incarnation of the double hour in not convertible into UTC.

tz - Source time zone to convert date from into UTC.


public void convertFromUTCtoTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone tz)
Converts the date represented by this EDate from UTC to given time zone The method assumes that EDate's current date is represented in UTC. It converts the representation into a local timezone taking care for time shifts, daylight saving time etc. The conversion is done in-situ, i.e. after calling this method the EDate might contain new day, hour, and minute values.

This method handles DST according to the time zone information. The "missing hour" at the beginning of the target's DST is left out. If the UTC time maps to one of the "double hours" at the end of the target's DST, that time is returned without distinction. Strictly spoken, it is not possible to say which of the two hours is meant.

tz - Target time zone to convert UTC date into.

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