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Package biz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.server

The Generic Java Server Architecture, server-only parts.


Interface Summary
ChangeListener Interface for Executors interested in changes in other executor's changes.
FileUploadExecutor.ReturnValueRunnable Special interface for successful callback If the callback given to the executor's constructor implements this interface, the executor will call the runWithReturnValue() method instead of the standard run() and return the result in the command answer
InitialExecutorAdder Interface for the object to put the initial executors into the connection handler.
ServerThreadHandler Generic interface for connection handler objects.

Class Summary
BasicAdminExecutor Administrative commands for setting global properties of a GJSA server.
BasicAlwaysExecutor Executor for basic GJSA commands which are always and for all types of server available.
BasicExecutor Basic executor with commands which are always available in the initial state of a GJSA server connection
BurstMaker "Brain" of a burst.
CLBag Storage for connectionless ServerThreadHandler.
ClientUpdaterFactory Updater for clients listening to CLIE logger for client connection changes.
CombinedBurstMaker BurstMaker which combines the results of several other BurstMaker objects.
CommandExecutor Pseudo interface for the basic command executor object.
ConnectionListObject Connection data holder for server thread handlers.
ConnectionVectorObject Connection data holder for server thread handlers.
DirectSessionedServerConnector Connector into a GJSA server which does not operate with network connections but works directly with the GJSA database handling object.
FileTransferBurstMaker Burst maker for file contents.
FileUploadExecutor Executor which can be used as base for an upload scheme.
GenericProxyExecutor Executor for a GJSA server acting as a proxy.
GJSAServer GJSA server main base.
GJSAServer.SocketListeningThread Socket listening thread.
IteratorBurstMaker Iterator based burst maker.
Killer Fierce object to kill the server.
ListBurstMaker GJSA server burst maker for lists
LoggerCenter Global handler for free-floating-channel-assignments.
LoggingExecutor Executor for logging commands Allows to register a client on the logging logger.
NewConnectionHandler handler for newly established connections.
ReaderKiller Killer for readers in the server which have been idle for too long.
ServerReader Reader thread for one client connection.
ServerStackEntry Part of the internal state stack of a ServerThreadBase.
ServerThreadBase Logical counterpart of a client which is connected to the server.
ServerThreadInitiator Initiator/Factory of a new thread for GJSA servers.
ServerThreadSession Session of a connection in the server.
ServerWriter Writer thread for connectionbound connections.
SocketLayer Lowest-level class in server-socket-communication A SocketLayer object is created by GJSAServer for each incoming connection.
VectorBurstMaker GJSA server burst maker for vectors
Vulture Vulture thread that removes died threads from the server's connection list.

Exception Summary

Package biz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.server Description

The Generic Java Server Architecture, server-only parts.

Package Specification

This package provides the server-only stuff for the GJSA. This includes mainly the ServerBase object, the ServerThreadBase object and everything built around these.

See Also:

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