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Class ServerEnvelope

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.ServerEnvelope
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable

public class ServerEnvelope
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable

message object for GJSA communication. ServerEnvelope is the "master" object that is sent between server and client (in both directions). Its most important parts are the two lists of requests and replies. Normally, a ServerEnvelope is sent from client to server with only the quest list set appropriately. The same envelope is sent back again from server to client with the replies set (and the queries deleted to save space and time).

ServerEnvelope has some additional fields and methods for certain usages. First, it always is in one of two states: part of a synchronous or free floating communication. It has a target and a sequence field for connectionless communication and knows about a source address for the same reason.

A ServerEnvelope can have an InformableSender reference. Through its informSender() method, the sender can be informed that the envelope has been sent over the network connection. This is extremly useful for asynchronous or free floating communication where it must be avoided that the server sends the data blocks too fast.

$Id: e6312a03b74d3b80242ac6cd171ff3cca630ab2a $
Dirk Hillbrecht 1997-2000, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000. Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          possible type: free floating information sent by server
private  InformableSender is
private  SessionConnector newsessionconnector
private  java.util.List quests
private  java.util.List replies
private  int seq
          The sequence count
private  int session
          session number
private  java.net.InetAddress source
          The address of the client.
          possible type: part of a synchonized connection
 int target
          target handle for connectionless connections
 int type
          envelope type
          possible type: not initialized yet.
Constructor Summary
          creates a synchronized envelope with no real content
ServerEnvelope(int tx, int sx, ServerReply sr)
          creates a replying envelope with type and sequence number
ServerEnvelope(int tx, ServerReply sr)
          creates an envelope with type tx and one reply
ServerEnvelope(int t, ServerRequest quest)
          creates an envelope with (connectionless) target t and one request.
ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest quest)
          creates a synchronized envelope with one request as content
ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest[] questsx)
          creates a synchronized envelope with several requests in an Array as content
ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest[] questsx, int sessionx)
          creates a synchronized envelope with several requests in an Array in a certain session as content
ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest quest, int sessionx)
          creates a synchronized envelope with one request in a certain session as content
Method Summary
 void addFirstReply(ServerReply repl)
          adds a reply to the beginning of the list.
 void addReply(ServerReply repl)
          adds a reply to the reply vector.
 void addRequest(int rn)
          adds a request consisting of the command rn.
 void addRequest(int rn, java.lang.Object p1)
          adds a request consisting of the command rn and one parameter.
 void addRequest(int rn, java.lang.Object[] p)
          adds a request consisting of the command rn and a parameter array.
 void addRequest(int rn, java.lang.Object p1, java.lang.Object p2)
          adds a request consisting of the command rn and two parameters.
 void addRequest(int rn, java.lang.Object p1, java.lang.Object p2, java.lang.Object p3)
          adds a request consisting of the command rn and three parameters.
 void addRequest(int rn, java.lang.Object p1, java.lang.Object p2, java.lang.Object p3, java.lang.Object p4)
          adds a request consisting of the command rn and four parameters.
 void addRequest(ServerRequest req)
          adds a request by adding the passed parameter to the request vector.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Clones this ServerEnvelope.
 ServerReply getFirstReply()
          Returns the first reply of the reply vector.
 ServerRequest getFirstRequest()
          return the first request
 ServerReply getLastReply()
          Returns the last reply of the reply vector.
 SessionConnector getNewSessionConnector()
          Returns a SessionConnector object which is useable for querying a new session.
 java.util.List getReplies()
          gets replies as a list.
 ServerReply[] getReplyArray()
          gets the replies an an array
 java.util.List getRequests()
          returns the complete request vector.
 int getSequence()
          returns the sequence field.
 int getSession()
          Returns the session.
 java.net.InetAddress getSource()
          returns the stored source of this envelope.
 int getTarget()
          returns the target field
 void informSender()
          informs the sender that the envelope has been sent.
 boolean isClosingReply()
          Returns whether this reply is closing the connection
 boolean isClosingRequest()
          Returns whether this reply will close the connection intentionally (by issuing QUIT)
 ServerRequest removeFirstRequest()
          Remove the first request from the request list and return it
 void removeReplies()
          removes the reply vector.
 void removeRequests()
          remove the complete request vector.
 void setInformableSender(InformableSender isx)
          sets an informable sender for this envelope
 void setReplies(java.util.List repl)
          sets an arbitrary reply vector
 void setReply(ServerReply repl)
          sets a reply vector consisting of exactly one reply object.
 void setRequests(java.util.List q)
          sets the requests.
 void setSequence(int s)
          set the sequence field (only used for connectionless connections)
 void setSession(int session)
          Sets the session.
 void setSource(java.net.InetAddress src)
          sets the source of this envelope.
 void setTarget(int t)
          set the target field (only used for connectionless connections)
 java.lang.String toString()
          converts the object to a String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNINITIALIZED
possible type: not initialized yet.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SYNCHRONIZED
possible type: part of a synchonized connection

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FREEFLOATING
possible type: free floating information sent by server

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public int type
envelope type


public int target
target handle for connectionless connections


private int session
session number


private int seq
The sequence count


private java.net.InetAddress source
The address of the client.


private transient InformableSender is


private transient SessionConnector newsessionconnector


private java.util.List quests


private java.util.List replies
Constructor Detail


public ServerEnvelope()
creates a synchronized envelope with no real content


public ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest quest)
creates a synchronized envelope with one request as content


public ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest[] questsx)
creates a synchronized envelope with several requests in an Array as content


public ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest quest,
                      int sessionx)
creates a synchronized envelope with one request in a certain session as content


public ServerEnvelope(ServerRequest[] questsx,
                      int sessionx)
creates a synchronized envelope with several requests in an Array in a certain session as content


public ServerEnvelope(int t,
                      ServerRequest quest)
creates an envelope with (connectionless) target t and one request.


public ServerEnvelope(int tx,
                      ServerReply sr)
creates an envelope with type tx and one reply


public ServerEnvelope(int tx,
                      int sx,
                      ServerReply sr)
creates a replying envelope with type and sequence number

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object clone()
Clones this ServerEnvelope. The vector objects for requests and replies are cloned, but the contents of the vectors are not.


public SessionConnector getNewSessionConnector()
Returns a SessionConnector object which is useable for querying a new session. The new session must be opened before. Normally, this happens implicitly.

SessionConnector object, null if none available


public void setInformableSender(InformableSender isx)
sets an informable sender for this envelope


public void informSender()
informs the sender that the envelope has been sent. If no informable sender has been set, nothing happens. This method is called normally only by serverpart.ServerWriter or the writing part of SessionConnector.

The reference to sender object is deleted immideately after this information. Therefore, a sender can and will be informed only _once_!


public void setReplies(java.util.List repl)
sets an arbitrary reply vector


public void addReply(ServerReply repl)
adds a reply to the reply vector.


public void setReply(ServerReply repl)
sets a reply vector consisting of exactly one reply object. Replaces any replies that might have been set earlier.


public void addFirstReply(ServerReply repl)
adds a reply to the beginning of the list.


public java.util.List getReplies()
gets replies as a list.


public ServerReply[] getReplyArray()
gets the replies an an array


public ServerReply getFirstReply()
Returns the first reply of the reply vector.


public ServerReply getLastReply()
Returns the last reply of the reply vector.


public boolean isClosingRequest()
Returns whether this reply will close the connection intentionally (by issuing QUIT)


public boolean isClosingReply()
Returns whether this reply is closing the connection


public void setRequests(java.util.List q)
sets the requests.


public void addRequest(ServerRequest req)
adds a request by adding the passed parameter to the request vector.


public void addRequest(int rn)
adds a request consisting of the command rn.


public void addRequest(int rn,
                       java.lang.Object p1)
adds a request consisting of the command rn and one parameter.


public void addRequest(int rn,
                       java.lang.Object p1,
                       java.lang.Object p2)
adds a request consisting of the command rn and two parameters.


public void addRequest(int rn,
                       java.lang.Object p1,
                       java.lang.Object p2,
                       java.lang.Object p3)
adds a request consisting of the command rn and three parameters.


public void addRequest(int rn,
                       java.lang.Object p1,
                       java.lang.Object p2,
                       java.lang.Object p3,
                       java.lang.Object p4)
adds a request consisting of the command rn and four parameters.


public void addRequest(int rn,
                       java.lang.Object[] p)
adds a request consisting of the command rn and a parameter array.


public java.util.List getRequests()
returns the complete request vector.


public ServerRequest getFirstRequest()
return the first request


public ServerRequest removeFirstRequest()
Remove the first request from the request list and return it


public void setTarget(int t)
set the target field (only used for connectionless connections)


public int getTarget()
returns the target field


public void setSequence(int s)
set the sequence field (only used for connectionless connections)


public int getSequence()
returns the sequence field.


public void setSource(java.net.InetAddress src)
sets the source of this envelope. This feature is used by the server for connectionless connections. For one handler for this type of connections, the querying envelopes must all come from the same source. This is checked by comparing the content of this field which is set by the server internally.


public java.net.InetAddress getSource()
returns the stored source of this envelope.


public void removeRequests()
remove the complete request vector. Sets the internal field to null. This is done by the server before returning the envelope with the replies to the client.


public void removeReplies()
removes the reply vector.


public java.lang.String toString()
converts the object to a String. Mainly for debugging purposes.


public int getSession()
Returns the session.



public void setSession(int session)
Sets the session.

session - The session to set

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