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Class ServerReply

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.ServerReply
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ServerReply
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable

encapsulates a single reply from a GJSA server. ServerReply is returned from a GJSA server to a querying client. Each ServerReply has the reply for exactly one ServerRequest. A ServerReply consists of a type field and one result. This may be of any type or even left out.

ServerReply is also the main instance for converting reply types between their representations. Within the ServerReply class is the central storage for the list of known reply symbols, and ServerReply has static methods to query these.

$Id: 613c5f87591aada0f23f86da51f73272e5028f9f $
Dirk Hillbrecht 1997-2000, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000. Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
(package private) static java.util.List cshv
          Chat symbol holder vector
private static Logger mess
          ServerReply may print messages to global logger when inserting chat symbol holder
(package private) static java.util.ResourceBundle rb
          Holder for messages' resource bundle
 java.lang.Object result
          The result
 boolean showparam
          Marker whether the result shell be logged or not.
 int type
          The reply type.
Constructor Summary
ServerReply(int t)
          Constructs a reply without result (just reply type).
ServerReply(int t, java.lang.Object o)
          Constructs a reply with type and result (which is of any type).
ServerReply(int t, java.lang.Object o, boolean sp)
          Constructs a reply with type, result and logging marker.
Method Summary
static void addChatSymbolHolder(ChatSymbolHolder cshx)
          Adds a chat symbol holder
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
          Checks equality of this ServerReply to something else.
 java.lang.Object getMessageResult()
          Return result.
static int getReplyNum(java.lang.String n)
          Class method.
 int getReplyType()
          Return the reply type
 java.lang.Object getResult()
          Return the result.
 boolean isPositive()
          Convenience method for reply checking: Returns whether this reply was somehow positive, i.e.
 java.lang.String replyTypeName()
          Returns the reply type in symbolic representation.
static void setLogger(Logger m)
          Set the logger ServerReply may write messages to when inserting chat symbol holder
static void setResourceBundle(java.util.ResourceBundle rbx)
          Sets the ServerReply global resource bundle with multilingual messages
 java.lang.String toString()
          Convert the ServerReply to a string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static Logger mess
ServerReply may print messages to global logger when inserting chat symbol holder


static java.util.List cshv
Chat symbol holder vector


static java.util.ResourceBundle rb
Holder for messages' resource bundle


public int type
The reply type.


public java.lang.Object result
The result


public boolean showparam
Marker whether the result shell be logged or not.

Constructor Detail


public ServerReply(int t)
Constructs a reply without result (just reply type).


public ServerReply(int t,
                   java.lang.Object o)
Constructs a reply with type and result (which is of any type).


public ServerReply(int t,
                   java.lang.Object o,
                   boolean sp)
Constructs a reply with type, result and logging marker. The marker is only needed for logging purposes and demarks whether the result shell be written out in the logs or be replaced by "###" (e.g. needed for transmitted passwords which should not be logged normally).

Method Detail


public static void setLogger(Logger m)
Set the logger ServerReply may write messages to when inserting chat symbol holder


public static void addChatSymbolHolder(ChatSymbolHolder cshx)
Adds a chat symbol holder


public static void setResourceBundle(java.util.ResourceBundle rbx)
Sets the ServerReply global resource bundle with multilingual messages


public int getReplyType()
Return the reply type


public java.lang.Object getResult()
Return the result. If no result is available, null is returned.


public java.lang.Object getMessageResult()
Return result. Similar to getResult(), but with special handling of a List of String type result. These types are evaluated using the ResourceBundle to give a String. Normally, this behaviour will be wanted for error messages, which come from the server in a multilingual way and must be adapted to the local language.


public java.lang.String replyTypeName()
Returns the reply type in symbolic representation.


public static int getReplyNum(java.lang.String n)
Class method. Converts symbolic reply type into numeric representation.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Checks equality of this ServerReply to something else. Returns true iff and only iff o is also a ServerReply and type and result do match.


public java.lang.String toString()
Convert the ServerReply to a string. For debugging purposes only.


public boolean isPositive()
Convenience method for reply checking: Returns whether this reply was somehow positive, i.e. OK, ACCEPTED, or YES

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