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Interface InformableSender

public interface InformableSender

ServerEnvelope-creating objects that want to be informed when their envelope has been physically sent. InformableSender is an interface that may be implemented by any object that creates free floating or asynchronous replies and wants to be informed when the reply has been sent over the socket.

$Id: 00a7ef86b8a21aadd74d35a9b458c31e985f65b6 $
Dirk Hillbrecht 1997-1999, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000. Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.

Method Summary
 void envelopeSent(ServerEnvelope se)
          callback method that is called after sending has been finished.

Method Detail


public void envelopeSent(ServerEnvelope se)
callback method that is called after sending has been finished. This method is called by ServerWriter or SessionConnector after the object has been sent. Note that it is executed in the writing thread and should therefore be _short_! A usual implementation could be that an object-internal notify() call takes place.

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