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Class SyncBurstReceiver

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.SyncBurstReceiver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class SyncBurstReceiver
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Runnable

Abstract class for handling synchronous bursts on client side. The both most interesting classes, initBurst() and handleBurstPart() are declared abstract and to be implemented by a subclass. This class itself handles the complete burst handling, e.g. doing the right calls to the server and looping as long as more results are available.

This class implements the Runnable interface, so that it can be used very simply in a separate thread. Of course, one has to take care that no other thread uses the SessionConnector while this class' thread being active. To archieve this, the caller must not use the SessionConnector between calling start() and any of the finished...() methods being called.

The run()-loop is worked through as long as the burst is not finished. With no errors occurring, finishedCorrectly() is called after the last data has been processed. If the server returns an errornous reply, the loop is aborted and finishedWithError() is called. In case of any client-side exceptions, finishedWithThrowable() is called.

Handling the answer may be stopped by calling stopHandleBurstPart(). Note that that method returns immideately, even though the main thread may continue running for some time as the current burst chunk request is always processed completely. Especially, it is not guaranteed that the SessionConnector may be used immideately after stopHandleBurstPart() returns.

For this case, the method stopHandleBurstPartAndWait() exists. That one initiates an abortion of the loop and waits synchronously afterwards until the loop and the appropriate finish...() method have completed. With this method, it is guaranteed that the SessionConnector is free to use afterwards.

Beside all the multi-thread-stuff, it is also possible to call the run() method of the object synchronously and run the complete receiver in the current thread. For convenience reasons, the runSynchronously() method exists. It can be used like this:

SessionConnector sc=... // define connector in which way ever
SyncBurstReceiver.runSynchronously(sc,new SyncBurstReceiver() {
  public ServerReply initBurst() throws IOException {
    return sc.query(ServerCommands.GETMAGICLIST);
  public void handleBurstPart(final List v) {
    for (int i=0;i<v.size();i++)

$Id: 092c50eefeedc9b9d1a2072cb80c8fd52a728d48 $
Dirk Hillbrecht/chitec 2000,2001 Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.

Field Summary
private  boolean background
protected  boolean doclientloop
          Flag whether the loop shell be run through once again depending on client state.
private  java.lang.Object doloopfinishwaiter
private  boolean dolooprunning
protected  boolean doserverloop
          Flag whether the loop shell be run through once again depending on server transmissions.
protected  ServerConnector sc
          The connection object to the server.
Constructor Summary
          Parameterless constructor.
SyncBurstReceiver(ServerConnector scx)
          Standard constructor.
Method Summary
 void finishedByInterrupt()
          Callback for correct, but interrupted finishing.
 void finishedCorrectly()
          Callback for correct finishing.
 void finishedWithError(ServerReply sr)
          Callback for server-side errornous finishing.
 void finishedWithThrowable(java.lang.Throwable t)
          Callback for client-side errornous finishung.
abstract  void handleBurstPart(java.util.List v)
          Burst part handling method.
abstract  ServerReply initBurst()
          Burst initialisation method.
 void run()
          The run loop.
static void runSynchronously(ServerConnector sc, boolean background, SyncBurstReceiver sbr)
          Run a SyncBurstReceiver synchronously.
static void runSynchronously(ServerConnector sc, SyncBurstReceiver sbr)
          Run a SyncBurstReceiver synchronously without yielding in the receiver loop.
 void setServerConnector(ServerConnector scx)
          Sets the ServerConnector.
 void stopHandleBurstPart()
          Stop the handling.
 void stopHandleBurstPartAndWait()
          Stop handling and wait until it is stopped.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private boolean background


private boolean dolooprunning


private java.lang.Object doloopfinishwaiter


protected ServerConnector sc
The connection object to the server.


protected boolean doserverloop
Flag whether the loop shell be run through once again depending on server transmissions.


protected boolean doclientloop
Flag whether the loop shell be run through once again depending on client state.

Constructor Detail


public SyncBurstReceiver()
Parameterless constructor. Mainly for declaration of anonymous instances for synchronous invokation.


public SyncBurstReceiver(ServerConnector scx)
Standard constructor. Gets the connection object, stores it internally any does nothing more.

Method Detail


public abstract ServerReply initBurst()
                               throws java.io.IOException
Burst initialisation method. Called by run() method to initialize the burst. May do anything it wants, must return the server's answer to the burst-starting command.



public abstract void handleBurstPart(java.util.List v)
Burst part handling method. Called by run() method to handle a chunk of burst data. The method can do whatever it wants.


public void stopHandleBurstPart()
Stop the handling. The querying of the server is stopped and no new chunks of data are processed. If there is anything in work, that one is finished however.


public void stopHandleBurstPartAndWait()
Stop handling and wait until it is stopped. Useful in the multi-thread-case where this method will wait until everything is finished before it returns.


public void setServerConnector(ServerConnector scx)
Sets the ServerConnector.


public void finishedCorrectly()
Callback for correct finishing. Called if the processing finishes without an error and noone called stopHandleBurstPart() or stopHandleBurstPartAndWait().


public void finishedByInterrupt()
Callback for correct, but interrupted finishing. Called if there were no server-side errors but an interrupt request on the client side by calling stopHandleBurstPart() or stopHandleBurstPartAndWait().


public void finishedWithError(ServerReply sr)
Callback for server-side errornous finishing.


public void finishedWithThrowable(java.lang.Throwable t)
Callback for client-side errornous finishung. The run loop catches all Throwables and finally calls this method if anything like that occurs.


public final void run()
The run loop. Calls initBurst() and continues issuing CONTINUEBURST requests to the server as long as the data continues to flow.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public static void runSynchronously(ServerConnector sc,
                                    SyncBurstReceiver sbr)
Run a SyncBurstReceiver synchronously without yielding in the receiver loop.

sc - ServerConnector to connect the receiver to.
sbr - SyncBurstReceiver which is run.


public static void runSynchronously(ServerConnector sc,
                                    boolean background,
                                    SyncBurstReceiver sbr)
Run a SyncBurstReceiver synchronously. Convenience method. Sets SessionConnector and calls sbr.run().

sc - ServerConnector to connect the receiver to.
background - Flag whether the receiver should run with reduced priority
sbr - SyncBurstReceiver which is run.

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