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Class DynamicChatSymbolHolder

  extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.ChatSymbolHolder
      extended bybiz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.DynamicChatSymbolHolder

public class DynamicChatSymbolHolder
extends ChatSymbolHolder

Dynamic version of a CharSymbolHolder. Can be loaded with number/symbols pairs at runtime. Note that this is not the usual way of defining a ChatSymbolHolder. Normally, they will be defined through a preprocessor so that they contain a list of int constants which can be used in case-clauses. This one is nice for small demo projects or similar applications where the preprocessor overhead would be too complicated.

$Id: 0a5ea4e9fa305834aedbbef2c5f9e062cde6b58b $
chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht, 2003

Field Summary
private  java.util.Map byint
private  java.util.Map bystring
private  java.lang.String symbolsetname
Constructor Summary
DynamicChatSymbolHolder(java.lang.String ssnx)
          Initialized the holder with a name.
Method Summary
 void addSymbol(int ival, java.lang.String sval)
          Adds a int-String pair as content.
 java.lang.String getSymbolSetName()
          Return the name of the symbol set.
 int[] getSymbolSetVersion()
          Version of the symbol set in version-subversion-patchlevel type.
 java.lang.String numericToSymbol(int numeric)
          Return the string-based representation of the symbol.
 int symbolToNumeric(java.lang.String symbol)
          Return the numeric equivalent to a symbol given as String.
Methods inherited from class biz.chitec.quarterback.gjsa.ChatSymbolHolder
anyToNumeric, equals, getAllSymbols, getAllSymbolsQIA, getSymbolSetVersionV
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.lang.String symbolsetname


private java.util.Map byint


private java.util.Map bystring
Constructor Detail


public DynamicChatSymbolHolder(java.lang.String ssnx)
Initialized the holder with a name.

Method Detail


public void addSymbol(int ival,
                      java.lang.String sval)
Adds a int-String pair as content. Note that neither the int nor the String must be passed twice into the same symbol holder, otherwise a CommandException is raised.

ival - The int value
sval - The symbolic value as a String


public int symbolToNumeric(java.lang.String symbol)
Description copied from class: ChatSymbolHolder
Return the numeric equivalent to a symbol given as String. Usually, this method is implemented in the subclasses by a preprocessor.

Specified by:
symbolToNumeric in class ChatSymbolHolder
symbol - Value of the symbol as String
The symbol's integer value.


public java.lang.String numericToSymbol(int numeric)
Description copied from class: ChatSymbolHolder
Return the string-based representation of the symbol. Usually, this method is implemented in the subclasses by a preprocessor.

Specified by:
numericToSymbol in class ChatSymbolHolder
numeric - The symbol's integer value.
Value of the symbol as String.


public java.lang.String getSymbolSetName()
Description copied from class: ChatSymbolHolder
Return the name of the symbol set. Usually, this method is implemented in the subclasses by a preprocessor.

Specified by:
getSymbolSetName in class ChatSymbolHolder
Arbitrary name of the symbol set.


public int[] getSymbolSetVersion()
Description copied from class: ChatSymbolHolder
Version of the symbol set in version-subversion-patchlevel type. Usually, this method is implemented in the subclasses by a preprocessor.

Specified by:
getSymbolSetVersion in class ChatSymbolHolder
int-array with three elements being version (index 0), subversion (index 1) and patchlevel (index 2) of the symbol set.

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