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Interface ConnectionStatePresentor

public interface ConnectionStatePresentor

Interface for objects that want to be informed when the state of a connection to a server changes. The methods of this interface are called by SessionConnector in case of communication.

Note that this connection is in no way directly bound to ConnectionDesasterListener, even though its connectionBroken() is somehow similar to CDL.connectionDesaster(). Both should be handled totally separately.

$Id: 6efb33e1e8e739615674c6c3f415795f401b121d $
Dirk Hillbrecht 1997-1999, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000. Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.

Method Summary
 void connectionBroken()
          Called when the connection has been cut.
 void connectionBusy()
          Called when the connection is busy (a request has just been sent, the reply is expected)
 void connectionIdle()
          Called after successful instantiation of the connection and after finishing a request-reply-pair

Method Detail


public void connectionBroken()
Called when the connection has been cut.


public void connectionBusy()
Called when the connection is busy (a request has just been sent, the reply is expected)


public void connectionIdle()
Called after successful instantiation of the connection and after finishing a request-reply-pair

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