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Interface ConnectionDesasterListener

public interface ConnectionDesasterListener

Interface for objects that want to be informed about interruption of a connection. The only method of this interface is always called through the SessionConnector after the connection has been closed, even in case that the client application itself has closed the connection.

This Interface is the "technical" couterpart of the ConnectionStatePresenter interface. While CSP should be used by e.g. GUI objects, CDL is designed for the "critical" reactions on line problems, e.g. for invoking a program part that tries to reestablish the connection using a new SessionConnector.

$Id: 8010a01a7bc9e86b8e9ee8266f4dc736b47eb74d $
Dirk Hillbrecht 1997-1999, chitec/Dirk Hillbrecht 2000. Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.

Method Summary
 void connectionDesaster()
          Called after connection closing.

Method Detail


public void connectionDesaster()
Called after connection closing.

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