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Package biz.chitec.qdemo.swing

Test and demonstration programs for QJCC's Swing classes.


Class Summary
BufferedImageBugDemo Shows a bug in Java2D when combining Raster objects with RGB and indexed color models
CalendarPanelDemo Demonstration class for the CalendarPanel widget
CheckBoxTest Describe
CompilerProblemDemo Shows a compiler problem in Sun Java 1.4.2.
ImageMixerDemo Demonstrates the ImageMixer class
JAdditionalColorsLabelDemo Demo program for the JAdditionalColorsLabel
JMultiColorLabelDemo Demo program for the JMultiColorLabel
ListItemDemo Listitem with a ImageIcon and a Sring value.
LocaleComboBoxDemo Demo program for the locale combo box widget
LocaleSelectorDemo Demo program for the locale selection widget
LogicExprTreeDemo Demonstration of tree handling with LogicExpr objects
MultiLineTreeRendererDemo Demonstration of multi line tree cell rendering.
MyCellRenderer Describe
MyTestDialog Describe
PropertiesEditorDemo Demo for PropertiesEditor
PropertiesEditorXMLDemo Demo for PropertiesEditor
ScrollLEDDemo Demo for LED widget
SingleLEDDemo Demo for LED widget
TableCellSizeAdjustorDemo Demo for TableCellSizeAdjustor to show sizing of rows according to content and widening with MultiLineTableRenderer.
TableHeaderConfigurationDemo Demonstration program for configuration of table headers
Test Minor test program
TestTextIconPanel Panel for logging output.
TinyImageEditorDemo Demonstration program for the tiny image editor
UnwantWantSelectorDemo Demo for UnwantWantSelector

Package biz.chitec.qdemo.swing Description

Test and demonstration programs for QJCC's Swing classes.

Package Specification

This package contains multiple demonstration programs for the Swing portion of QJCC.

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