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Package biz.chitec.qapp.gjsaadminclient

Administrative client for GJSA servers.


Interface Summary
EditElement Contract for an edit element.

Class Summary
AbstractEditElement General implementation of an edit element for the GJSA server settings editor.
BooleanEditElement Edit element for boolean values.
ConnectionTableFrame Frame to show connections for a server
GJSAAdminClient Administrative client for GJSA servers.
IntEditElement Editor for numeric properties.
ListEditElement Editor for properties which are lists of strings.
LoginFrame Login dialog for GJSAAdminClient
MapOfListsEditElement Editor for properties which are maps of lists of strings.
NumericTextField JTextField which only allows numeric input.
PasswordEditElement Editor for password properties.
PropertiesEditFrame Frame which brings all properties editors together and manages the communication with the server.
StringEditElement Editor for string properties.

Package biz.chitec.qapp.gjsaadminclient Description

Administrative client for GJSA servers.

Package Specification

Client program which can be used for configuration of GJSA servers

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